Sunday, May 27, 2007

Do You Think You Have a Sleep Disorder?

At various points in our lives, all of us suffer from a lack of sleep thatcan be remedied by making sure we have the opportunity to getenough sleep. But, if you are spending enough time in bed and stillwake up tired or feel very sleepy during the day, you may have a sleepdisorder.

One of the best ways you can tell if you are getting enough goodquality sleep, and whether you have signs of a sleep disorder, is bykeeping a sleep diary, to record the quality and quantity of your sleep; your use of medications,alcohol, and caffeinated beverages; your exercise patterns; andhow sleepy you feel during the day. After a week or so, look overthis information to see how many hours of sleep or nighttime awakeningsthe night before are linked to your being tired the next day.

This information will give you a sense of how much uninterruptedsleep you need to avoid daytime sleepiness. You can also use thediary to see some of the patterns or practices that may keep youfrom getting a good night’s sleep.


You may have a sleep disorder and should see your doctor if yoursleep diary reveals any of the following:* You consistently take more than 30 minutes each night to fallasleep.

* You consistently awaken more than a few times or for long periods of time each night.

* You take frequent naps.

* You often feel sleepy during the day—especially if you fall asleep at inappropriate times during the day.


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